Alchemy Mindset with Anna Hastie

(#51) How To Properly Celebrate Your Wins

Anna Hastie Season 1 Episode 51

🔐 Unlock your potential and program your mind for success with my FREE subliminal Business Success Affirmations 👈

Ever wondered how to keep that magnetic energy flowing in your business while launching a new product or service?

In episode 51 of Alchemy Mindset, I'm sharing my journey of launching new programs and how I managed to keep my energy vibrant and magnetic.

I also talk about the importance of celebrating every win, no matter how small, to create a positive feedback loop for your subconscious mind.

Join me as I discuss the mindset work behind launching new offerings and handling the ups and downs of bringing your dream to life.

In this episode, you'll find practical tips and mindset hacks that will help you stay energised, motivated, and excited about your business. From setting up notifications to celebrate every new sign-up to creating a dance playlist that fires you up, I'm sharing all the strategies that keep me going.

In this episode, we dive into:

  • 🎉 The importance of celebrating every win, big or small
  • 🧠 The role of the subconscious mind in creating a positive feedback loop
  • 🔮 How visualising your success can help manifest it into reality
  • 💃🏽 My secret dance playlist that keeps my energy high and my spirits up
  • 🧡 The joy of sharing your knowledge and passion with the world

Remember, every win is worth celebrating, and every step you take brings you closer to your goals. So, tune in, get inspired, and let's start manifesting some magic!

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I acknowledge & pay my respects to the Traditional owners, the Yawuru People of the land and waters of Rubibi (Broome) where this Podcast is recorded, and all Aboriginal Elders, past, present & emerging.

Podcast Produced by Livvi Music Media

Hello, hello, and welcome to Alchemy Mindset. I'm your host, Anna Hasty, business mindset coach for women and a sound healer. If you are ready to become the most aligned, magnetic, and confident business woman you are worthy and deserving of being, Then this show is for you. This is where I share everything from mindset, energy, and spirituality, and how to embody your future self in business and life. Sprinkle that with deeply relaxing sound healings and meditations, and you have the Alchemy Mindset podcast. Hit subscribe so you always get the latest episode. Now let's begin. And welcome, welcome back to this episode 51. Holy moly! Holy happos! Holy incredible me! Episode 51! I am honestly just gonna say it. So proud of myself to get to episode 51. I'm over halfway to 100 episodes! And I'm already, like, dreaming up What magic I'm going to bring on my 100th episode. Like, what magic am I going to bring? Oh, it's gonna be so good. So the inspiration behind this episode has come from the fact that for the last three months, basically from the end of December, January, February, March. Three and a bit months, I've been creating and planning and launching little programs that I have just been dreaming of wanting to do for such a long time. And it's like the time and space just opened up for it. As you've probably heard in a previous episode, Francois has long service leave right now for term one of school, which has meant that he's able to take care of and spend more time with Ava. Lucky him. And it's also freed up and open up time for me to be in my business, my other love. And in this time I have just, like I said, put things out there that I've been wanting to do for a while. Things and courses, little workshops that are outside of what I've been previously doing over the last, say, few years, and in a way to do it, not only because I love sharing this stuff, like this is the kind of workshops and events that really light me up and just what I feel like can showcase my knowledge and share it in a way that is just so fun and so Easily. And when I'm talking about these things, I'm talking about the end of the year. New Year's Eve sound bath experience that I did, which was just magic. And I will definitely most definitely hold another one in some shape or form at the end of 2024. And then I also did the manifestation and vision board masterclass, which again, just was so much fun. And I just love presenting and sharing so much in that time. And then most recently I've just started. Over the weekend, we had our first session in the four week spiritual development course that I'm holding for people in person here in Broome. Now this is a little course, it's a short course over four weekends in February where we just tap into what it is to reconnect. Reignite, or tune into our intuition, our spirituality, and our psychic capabilities. And these are little things that I've learned over time and also things where I started in my spiritual development journey many, many, many years ago. Like I would say now, probably 20 years ago. And these are the things that have helped shape me and brought me to this place as to where I am now, like they were the stepping stones, the starting point of what's just led me on so much knowledge, training, learning, personal development, professional development, all the things even led me to being, as I am sitting right here in front of this microphone, sharing my knowledge, sharing my wisdom to you and you. Within the process behind offering all of these things has come a lot of mindset work. Now you might think, but Anna, you do workshops all the time. You do coaching. Why would this be any different or more difficult or challenging than actual fact? It's been a while since I've held something that's really broke, like something unique, something different, something outside of the box. As I said before, like I normally hold all my sound baths, they're on a Sunday, we get the familiar flow of them. Every now and again, I'm doing co labs and slightly different sound bath experiences or yoga and sound experiences, but nothing where I'm just purely leading something, a small group on my own, sharing something that is unique to what I offer in this video. Business that I have. And like I said, lots of mindset work because things have come up. Firstly, the biggest one, will anybody want to sign up to this? Is this going to go ahead? Or is this going to be a complete flop? Will I make any money out of it? Because yes, the exchange of these events is money. Will I be any good at it? Is that going to happen? And a whole lot of other myriad of other Mindset wobbly stuff that's just gone on where I've had to do my own mindset work around it. To realize, okay, these are some hurdles that you've been sitting on for a while. They've been a bit dormant. Now they've come to the surface. Let's acknowledge them, clear them, rewire and move on so that holding these workshops and all these little micro events become the new normal. For within my nervous system, within my subconscious mind and my business practices, right? But here's the thing that I find really important and something that I'm here to share with you today about how to create more magnetic energy around what you're creating and calling the clients into whatever your offer or your service or your product is that you're currently really focusing very intently on. So that you don't get lost in the process of. The day to day grind of it, as well as lose that energy and magic around what you're actually doing. Cause it's pretty incredible, right? As business. Women and owners, what we offer to the world when we have that intuitive nudge that, Ooh, this could be fun. Let's give this a go. I really like this idea. I think this is what, Ooh, I really like this idea. My clients are going to love this. I can see that this is something that they need right now. This is a hole in my market and this can be filled with this. We often get lost in the hole. Process of giving it a funky title, writing something about it, creating the thing, delivering the thing, selling the thing, getting people to sign up all the back end behind the scenes stuff, right, without actually stopping to acknowledge, like, how freaking amazing is it that what you're doing and people are actually responding and wanting to be a part of it? So in other words, Celebrating the whole process and you, and what it actually means within the grand scheme of everything that you're delivering, creating, producing, owning, sharing, all of it to the world. Right? Celebrating your wins. In other words, celebrating the wins so that in the times when you feel like your mindset is getting a bit wobbly. Bit like, Oh, I'm into the hard moment of this whole entire launch or process or offer, and I've had some good momentum, but now when we constantly celebrate the wins, we're stacking energy into our subconscious mind, into our actual physical body, into our energetic body, into the embodiment of who we are. That this is happening and it's happening and it's amazing and it's going to continue to happen and celebrate it because whatever the experience and the outcome is, it's neither good nor bad is an experience and everything can be learned from, but celebrate it because when we celebrate it, we have more joy, we have more abundance, we have more excitement, we have more energy, there's more flow within it and we're allowed to fricking celebrate all the wins no matter what scale of whatever it is that you're offering or doing right now is at. Now, to me, these are really small offers, for example, this February workshop, this class that's happening across four weekends. It's really for a small number of people like 10 now, 10 people isn't really hard to attract in a big scheme of things, but for me, when it's offering across four weekends, there's slightly different times at some points and all the things that go around it, it can actually change. Okay. So I'm sharing with you today why celebrating your wins big or small are important, ways to celebrate your wins so you can stack that energy that's been created. And finally, one really important thing that I highly recommend you do once you have actually completed. Finished. Either launching the thing, selling the thing, calling clients into the event, holding the event, running the program, selling the items and having them all shipped out and delivered, however it works, whatever the final thing within whatever you had been creating is done, this is what you need to do. And why? Okay. So again, reason why it's so important to celebrate our wins is because we're stacking into our subconscious mind and our body and a new neural pathway that this is normal and it's okay and it's safe for us to do and experience. Particularly if this is really new and a little bit outside the box or you're slightly diversifying on what you've been doing, like when it's something new, it can seem unsafe. It can seem unstable. It can seem just new territory. And the subconscious mind is going to Rear it's head up and say, are we safe doing this? Because if not, I've got to run all my programs to keep you safe right now. We're not in a safe zone. And my job is to keep you safe and just lead you to something that's more pleasurable, fun, and comfortable. Right. But in ourselves, we're like, no, I really want to do this because. This is just something I've had in my heart and it feels really exciting. And I know it's aligned for me and it's the right time. So when we celebrate the wins of people signing up or purchasing a subconscious mind sees that as a really pleasurable thing to see and receive. And it goes, Oh, Okay. We're safe. All right. Let's go ahead with this. It's okay. And so it communicates because your subconscious mind is the bridge between you and the universe that more and more, please. Yes. Thank you. Abundance. Let's call some more in. Let's make more of this happen because the process is normal. The process is familiar and the process is keeping you safe right now. I'm going to send a side note. Yes. We also need to be aware of how we can also get addicted to. Like wanting to see the stats and things come in and how we get sometimes hung up on ourselves when things aren't flowing or stacking up in the right way, or how sometimes when we do too much of something, it can lead to this kind of burnout moment. I'm talking about this all in moderation, right? I'm talking about this all with mindfulness and acknowledgement that we're okay. We're safe. We're calling in this thing. we're working through the processes. And it's happening. People are signing up. You're getting notifications that someone just booked in. Someone made a sale. There's money coming into your account. Now that's happening, celebrate it. Celebrate it! Because your hard work to get to that moment where you've opened the doors, you've opened the cart, whatever it is, to get the people in is now literally happening. Something that you've been visualizing, putting in the back of your mind, seeing how it all unfold is happening now. So celebrate it. Don't just stand there and go. Oh yeah, that was great. Yeah, they've come in, celebrate it, really celebrate it. Now I'm going to share with you some of the things and the ways that I've been celebrating because the more times I do this, it raises and lifts my energy and vibration. And I know that more of what I'm calling in is coming my way. And I'm honoring myself. I'm honoring myself for all the amazing work that I've done. So more and more, please. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. The first thing you can do, this is what I do every time someone signs up or joins one of my programs is obviously through a booking link. I get a notification to say. This person has just signed up and I'm like, yeah, that's amazing. They've signed up. I can see who it is. I see that they've registered for all the dates. They've paid in full. They're locked in Larry. They're coming. But sometimes when we selling something in terms of sales, we may need to activate different notifications so that we get the reminders or we see the sales coming in. Now, quite often that might be dollar signs, like the notifications from. Our payment services, Stripe, PayPal, Square, whoever you use, saying X amount has just come in, someone's made a sale, blah, blah, blah. And that's cool, but sometimes we can just get a little bit lost in the metrics of. Sales and notifications and just seeing money doesn't have that same resonance, perhaps as what it is to know that. And that's equally important, like seeing the dollar signs coming in, knowing that people have paid, that you're making sales is really important. So flick the notifications on that you need to just for this moment. And then I would suggest if you don't need to receive constant notifications, like if they're clogging up your energy and your time space, turn off the ones you don't need. Afterwards, but also remember that don't get too caught up on the dollar signs. Oh, I only made a sale on this day of this much. Although I only made a dollar sale of that much or that day I made so much more and that had more meaning. Every single dollar you receive is important. Like I've had days when I've just made, 17, but someone bought something off me for 17 bucks. And then I've had days where I've had six people sign in and I've made like. 800 or however much it was, but let's say we be thankful and grateful for what you receive because behind those dollar signs, someone took out their card, tapped in some buttons and bought the thing or signed up to the thing that you did celebrate that celebrate all the money. Big or small. Okay. Now within the way people sign up, and particularly for me, if someone purchased something, that's a little bit more smaller, bespoke, it's not through my usual booking form for a class or a workshop where I see the attendance, I'm actually going to set up an email in my automation process where I will receive an email that will say, Hey, Well done, babe. Congratulations, someone just bought this thing off you. Now this is usually for the subliminal resources, maybe something that's a little bit of a one off thing rather than, as I said, a bigger program or a workshop. When I see that, I just get excited. I get so excited because again, it reminds me that someone out there was like, actually, I need that. That's amazing. Can I please buy that off you? Here's my money and now I have it and I get the notification to say it's actually happened so that it doesn't get lost because if we don't have notifications like this come through, particularly if it's an automation. We can get lost and we can only just see maybe the dollar signs, but we don't actually acknowledge who it is or what they've purchased. So when, if you have an email automation system somewhere in there, create an email. So when someone goes through the automation, it hits your email saying, Someone just signed up, someone just went through, someone purchased this. Well done, babe. You're doing fricking amazing. Keep going. Another one. So basically whatever it is, the words in your email should say, congratulations. You did it. Another one signed up. Keep going. You're amazing. And I have them come through and when I see them, I'm just like, yes! Thank you, thank you, thank you. More and more and more, please. Amazing. Celebrate with someone when it lands. Oh my goodness. When it happens, celebrate it! Go out to your partner, your wife, your hubby, your kids, your dog, your neighbor, your best friend, your biz bestie, your gran, your auntie, whoever, the universe. Scream it from the rooftops. I freaking did it! Another one just came through! Someone just signed up! Because again, it just celebrates it. Celebrate that energy. Well done. You, you did it. Helps keep the energy open and keeping it moving. Now, manifestation hack is if there's something that you're calling in and you're wanting it to happen, make sure you celebrate once it actually lands that it's signed, sealed and delivered. Sometimes we can get a really bit, a little bit excited. Someone's just inquired about something and I think they're going to sign up and They don't, and not saying that this is the complete result of you sabotaging a manifestation, because it's not right. It could just mean it's delaying the energy or something else that's happened in the backend. But overall, if we just do a micro celebration in that response, but then fully celebrate it once it lands, then we know it's ours and celebrate, celebrate, celebrate, it's happening, stack the celebrations. If it's a micro celebration in terms of like someone inquired, they may book in, make sure you do all the things that you need to follow up and see how they're going. And if they're still making a decision or whatever it is, just in a nice, casual, non pushy way. Right. But do a micro celebration like someone inquired. That means it's got an impact. I'm having an impact on the world. This is amazing for me. This is helpful. This is beneficial. It helps remind you to stay on track, stay on course and know that your work is valid, wanted, needed and necessary in the world. Now, another thing I have up on my window in front of me right now is a list of all the things that I'm creating for example, this spiritual development course that I'm running in February, maximum 10 people. So I put 10 times spiritual development course February, and each time I got to sign up, I crossed the number out and wrote the remaining number so that therefore I knew in my mind, I've only got this many to go. That's easy. That's such a tiny number. That's going to happen in the next two days. Rather than seeing the main number and going, Oh, I feel like I've got forever. Remember it's all a mind game. It's all a mind game with your subconscious mind. If you have the smaller number. It feels like it's easier and more attainable than a bigger number that just might not seem like it's able to happen right now. Okay. The subconscious mind doesn't know what's the future or the past. It just knows now. So if it's so many clients at this moment in time. And it's constantly seeing that all the time. It thinks, well, can I deliver that right now? No, that's just near impossible unless you're a magician or you've got a really great hack of ways that happening. Please share if you do. But if it sees like countdowns or smaller numbers, it knows that it's easier, more attainable. It's like, I could attract five people today or three people. It's not that hard. We're all playing with our subconscious mind. We're using it to our advantage. So posty notes, put it up there, put up the, like as many posty notes as you need. So you can write down the names or details of the people who have purchased, signed up, joined, clicked buy, right? So that you can celebrate that there are actual people behind all these purchases, all these signups, all these attendance, and that's it. Stop and celebrate each person. They are a real person who wants to be in your space and receive or learn something from you. Celebrate them. This is the reason why you're in business, right? You're in business to work with these clients, to help someone's life, to make the world a better place. And. You're doing this through your works. Celebrate them. Next. And this is what I do a lot of. I have a dance music playlist. So I have about two or three songs on a playlist that when I make a sale, when I sign somebody up, when something amazing happens in my business, I play everybody dance now. I'm the worst at singing it, but everybody dance now. And I just jump around and I get so excited and I really jump around, really celebrate, really shake my energy. I really stir things up because I get excited. My heart rate increases, my joy and energy lifts. Everything just feels so much fun, creating, stacking, celebrating all this energy, right? Jump around, have a playlist, play the music that celebrates you for being so freaking amazing at what you do. And then lastly, I will sit there afterwards or stand with a beating heart and I'll tap it into my heart space. Just continuously tapping and go, wow, I did it. I called in another client just like that. It was so easy. I'm so excited to hold space and celebrate with these people. I'm so excited that they're wanting to attend and receive this knowledge and wisdom that I deeply and lovingly want to share. And more are wanting to sign up more. I wanted to be a part of this program and more are ready to move forward in their own life, in their spiritual connection, their psychic abilities, and all the things that constantly going over and over and over. Tapping that affirmation, tapping that celebration, tapping your own words of encouragement and wisdom, and just talking through the whole process, tap it in because again, we're creating this pathway within us of celebrating, calling more in more and more, more plays, more energy, more abundance, more love. More clients, more sales, more impact on the world, more of us living our dream life more and more and more and more and more, please. All right, make this normal, make this so much fun. Now, this is the one thing I think is really super important post event, post sale, post launch, post whatever it is, sale period, service period, workshop program. When you finally finish the thing that you've been working hard to do and achieve. And first of all, celebrate whatever the numbers were. Like even if you didn't quite hit your mark, it's okay, you still did it. And even if you exceeded the mark, freaking amazing, well done, you did it. You celebrated either way. Because nothing is good or bad. but just an experience. Okay. Everything can be learned from and everything can always be redone again. Nothing is ever done just once in the business world, but once the event or the thing is done, the brief debrief your energy. Okay. And this is super important. So for me personally, once I've finished holding a big event, that's out of the normal. sound bath healing realm, I will go and do my best to debrief myself on the whole process. You've spent a lot of time putting your energy out there, holding space for people, creating the thing, delivering the thing, being in that whole realm of this is what I'm doing right now. I mean, let's think about it, a black Friday sale or end of financial year, Christmas is a massive time when we're all maybe selling something, you're selling a product and you've just finished the whole entire season of selling this thing debrief. And I'm not talking about like, sit back and review your sales and your stats and where you could and couldn't have done better, blah, blah, blah. I'm talking about debrief on your own energy. Like I did it. It's like a micro pause, maybe even a bigger pause, but put a pause in your own energy and acknowledge what you have done and what you have just achieved. In other words, be proud of yourself, be so proud of what you've just done and rest in a way that honors your energy. Now, for some of us, a big end of sales seasons and periods, you may want to go on a holiday or you may want to take some time out. That's cool. Guess what I'm doing? Yeah. At the end of March, and there's a lot that's been happening throughout February, not just in terms of all the workshops and the soundbars that I'd normally be holding. I've been asked to do some speaking, holding private group soundbaths, doing some online lecturing. I'm having a personal retreat in Bali, a minimum of 10 days away from my family for the first time in 18 months, even maybe a bit longer. And I'm going on my own to debrief, to celebrate and to spend some time just reconnecting to myself. So that I can regather my energy for the next thing that I want to step into. So have a moment where you can rest in a way that honors your energy. Maybe it's just shutting your doors and just having a full couple of days out of your business. You can celebrate with a friend. Maybe that's the time when you do that reward that's at the end of this period of time where you're like, I get all this stuff done, this is what I'm doing to celebrate. It's like the carrot, right? The carrot in front of the horse or the donkey that makes it walk fast. Remember those cartoons where you'd see Bugs Bunny with a carrot on it? No, he would eat a carrot, wouldn't he? Okay, someone else, a cartoon character, with a fishing rod and a string and there's a carrot in the front of it and it's helping the donkey move forwards because the donkey wants to get the carrot. That's what we're going to do in front of us. Put the carrot in front. What's your reward? What are you going to do? How are you going to celebrate that you've just done something really huge? Again. You can journal this out, write a message to yourself, celebrating what you've done. You can do the tapping. I did it. I just not only made this the most epic and most amazing experience, but I've just done it. I've completed the whole experience and I'm alive. I'm safe. Everything was just an amazing opportunity. I've learned so much and just be in that zone, right? Sing. Whoa, I did it. Dance. Everybody dance now. Do something to shift and change your energy. But then at the same time, get grounded, come back down to earth because you probably still riding a high. It can be adrenaline rush as well, but come down, really ground yourself. This could mean, as I said, taking a little break, but it could mean just taking your shoes off, walk outside, take some deep breaths in and out. Have a nap, eat something really wholesome. Take a magnesium salt bath, go for a swim in the ocean, just sit out in nature on the lawn for a little while. Completely shut your phone down and go be with your family. Take a moment to rest. Take a moment to step out of the energy. Honor yourself. Rest. Reward yourself with that dreamy reward that you put out there originally. So it all goes something like this. You have the idea, you created it, you market it, you sold it. You then did it now. So it goes something like this. You had the idea, you created it, you market it, you sold it, you celebrate all the wins within there, all the experiences, then you did it. Now, debrief, celebrate and debrief, and that's what I'm going to be doing now. I hope that all makes sense, and I'd love for you to share with me any forms of celebrations that you personally do when you've achieved something really big and epic and momentous within your own business, like share with me. Because I'd love to know, are there any other things that I've missed that could be really cool? I know some people would probably say, I'd have a glass of wine. And I'm like, yeah, go for it. I'm a non drinker. I would probably sit with a cacao or maybe a kombucha. Non alcoholic cocktail. Celebrate. What do you do? Debrief. What do you do? Is this new to you? Is this something you would do? Is that, is this something you're finding that you're needing to do? Anyway, let's have a chat. Tell me, tell me, tell me. I hope you really found some amazing inspiration and love within this episode. And just as a reminder, if you're new around here and you haven't received, Or downloaded your free 50 subliminal affirmations to help you unlock the superpower of your subconscious mind. Check it out. It's 50 affirmations, all deemed around running a successful and thriving business recorded under a beautiful piece of music so that it really taps into your subconscious mind, go straight in there, listen to it on repeat. See where your energy, your mindset, and your embodiment expands. It's downloadable. You can get that for free. You can click the link in the show notes or jump onto my website at AnnaHasty. com. And I look forward to having another amazing conversation with you soon. Have a wonderful day and thank you for being here and present with me. Until then, bye. Thank you so much for tuning in and listening to today's episode. Please rate and review this podcast so that it can continue to thrive and reach more listeners. I love to know who my listeners are, so please screenshot this episode and tag me on Instagram at Anna f Hasty, and I look forward to connecting with you in the next episode.