Alchemy Mindset with Anna Hastie

(#48) Boundaries in Business: Why They're Essential for Growth

β€’ Anna Hastie β€’ Season 1 β€’ Episode 48

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Have you ever felt like your business practices need a bit more structure? ❓
Or perhaps you're wondering why setting boundaries is so crucial, not just personally, but professionally too. πŸ€”

Well, you're in the right place! Boundaries are not about being harsh; they're about defining how we operate and interact in our business world.

πŸ”Š I Cover πŸ‘‡

πŸ“œ Understanding the true essence of boundaries in business.

🚫 Why saying 'no' is not only okay but necessary.

πŸ› οΈ Practical tips on establishing and maintaining healthy boundaries.

"Boundaries help you create good business practices. It's not about being evil or mean; it's about setting the parameters, your rules of engagement."

Links and Resources Mentioned:

🎧 Remember to also check out Episode 37, "Energy Hygiene: What, Why & How" for how to take care of your personal energy in business.

As always, thank you for tuning in. If you've found value in our chat today, please consider sharing this episode with a friend who might also benefit from understanding the power of boundaries.

Don't forget to subscribe for more insights and strategies to empower your business journey.

Catch you in the next episode! πŸ‘‹

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I acknowledge & pay my respects to the Traditional owners, the Yawuru People of the land and waters of Rubibi (Broome) where this Podcast is recorded, and all Aboriginal Elders, past, present & emerging.

Podcast Produced by Livvi Music Media

Boundaries help you create good business practices, and it doesn't mean that you're evil or mean or nasty or depriving anybody of anything, but you're just creating the parameters, the guidelines, and kind of like your rules of this is how I work and this is how I operate. And this is the status quo. Like this is how it is. Hello. Hello, and welcome to Alchemy Mindset. I'm your host, Anna Hasty, business mindset coach for women and a sound healer. If you are ready to become the most aligned, magnetic and confident business woman you are worthy and deserving of being, then this show is for you. This is where I share everything from mindset, energy, and spirituality, and how to embody your future self in business and life. Sprinkle that with deeply relaxing sound healings and meditations, and you have the Alchemy Mindset Podcast. Hit subscribe so you always get the latest episode. Now let's begin. Hello, hello, and welcome to this episode of the Alchemy Mindset Podcast. I'm your host, Ashley Edwards. I am just so pleased to talk about this really engaging and thoroughly exciting topic of boundaries. I know, right? I'm your host. I'm Anna Hastie. I'm a business mindset coach and a soundbath healer. And I am reminding myself eating my own boundary pie. I feel like this topic is a really good reminder for us as we're starting this new year. So for example, you may be coming back from a little bit of a holiday, a little bit of a break. You may be looking at your business with some fresh eyes, some new inspiration, some new energy. And. With that, I'd love this episode to be something that you keep in mind as you start navigating work life, as you start building the momentum, as you get back into work, right? And it's boundaries. So firstly, let's talk about boundaries. Boundaries are literally the parameters or the guidelines that we set to hold space for what we do and for the clients and customers that we call in. So I really want this. To be for everybody, but in particular, I am kind of angling it a little bit at the health and wellbeing spiritual world where often we don't navigate or stay true to our boundaries because we just want to take care of our clients. And we believe that what we're doing is of service and therefore. It's more important to serve than it is to sometimes hold these boundaries as the parameters that keep our business and our energy safe, right? So in particular for me, because as I said, in all my episodes, I am sharing the things that I navigate and from the wisdom and experience that I learn, I am here to share that with you. That's actually part of my human design. I'm a 1 3 SACRE generator. I think I've said all the things in the right way. So the 1 3 means I am the explorer of knowledge and truth. I'm here to basically be the scientist and to experience the things and then write up my report on it and share the feedback. Okay, moving on. So for me personally, this year, when it comes to boundaries, it's about. Holding my soundbath classes as long as I have met my minimum requirement of participants to attend because I often just hold the classes with Less than the minimal numbers, knowing that the people who have paid to come, which is beautiful and I love holding space for everybody and anybody who does come, but unfortunately the minimal numbers doesn't make up the amount of money that I need to pay for the rent for the space that I'm using. And this is why I'm tailoring it a little bit back to the health and wellbeing, spiritual development sort of industry, because we often can get into that space of I'm here just to serve, and it shouldn't be about money and it shouldn't be about not being available. And I want to welcome everybody in because everybody needs this. When in actual fact, as business owners, regardless to what you're doing, we still need to. Be mindful of how much something may be costing us financially, because that can just jeopardize. So much within our business, we're not making money and let's face it, we are here to make money within the business from the service that we do. We are here to be divinely compensated for what we do and being compensated by air or by anything else that isn't a currency. Just unfortunately doesn't pay our bills and I'm not by any means saying that we can't do this and that I have recently had this conversation with myself and believe that if I was genuinely a squillionaire, like if I had all the money in the world, I would genuinely offer these sound baths for free to the community. Like money wouldn't mean anything to me because I'm a squillionaire. Like I have more than a trillion, I'm a squillion. And within that I would. Maybe pay the whole entire rent for everybody else who's using the space so they can have a whole month or two months or a year of just offering what they do for free. Amazing. Wouldn't that be so generous? But I'm not there yet. I one day will be a Skoolionaire. And. Holding space for people is really important, but I also need to be respectful of my time and my energy that I'm doing. Unfortunately, if I don't have the numbers, I'm not meeting the financial obligation that I need to be able to pay that rent. So therefore the money is coming out of my own pocket and it's not really great business practices. And that's what's the sort of underlying factor about boundaries. Boundaries help you create good business practices, and it doesn't mean that you're evil or mean or nasty or depriving anybody of anything, but you're just creating the parameters, the guidelines, and kind of like your rules of this is how I work, and this is how I operate, and this is the status quo, like this is how it is. So looking at the boundaries within your business, this time of year could be really good for you to look at your pricing. Are you pricing yourself at a level that is reflecting the compensation that you truly deserve for what you offer for your time to cover your rent, to cover your expenses, to cover your taxes, your GST, your superannuation, and anything else that needs to happen within the finer details and workings of your business? Are you making some money in what you're doing? Do you need to up your prices to reflect the fact that there's been inflation in the world and in your life? Knowing that there may be a time in the future and even within this year where you can offer something for free, for charity, for a fundraiser, and that's your way of giving back. To the community and to the world for all the divine things that you do. And you offer looking at your time within your week, like, are you doing too much within your week or are you doing too little? And what could you jiggle around or change to be able to hold space in a way that feels right for you and for your clients doing what it is that you do. So for example, do you stick to your times? Do you stick to like, this is my availability, say, for example, it's between eight and two. And between those times I work, I see my clients or I work on my business or I, you know, sell my things. And then outside of those hours, it's me time, or maybe there's an hour on either side where you need to do business admin or it's family time, or it's. Health and wellbeing time or it's all the other things that go on in your life that need to be addressed. Or do you just casually go, yeah, whatevs and step aside and you see more people than what you actually physically and emotionally, mentally, spiritually have the capacity to do. Therefore, in a way causing a little bit of burnout. Knowing that sometimes in seasons within our life, yeah, we do need to put our foot to the floor and we go full throttle and we want to see more people because we're encouraging something or there's something happening that needs to allow for more people to come in at that moment in time, but generally we have. Times that we set within our business for a certain reason. And do you honor that? Or do you just kind of go, yeah, it's there, but you throw caution to the wind, you step over it. And all I'm saying is like, just look within you at what's happening when you don't honor your own time boundaries. And then also the clients and the customers that you're wanting to work with. Who are they? What qualities do they have? Are they respectful of your time? Do they show up? Do they pay in full or are they happy to do payment plans, but they're honoring the payments? Are they doing their homework? If you're giving them homework of things to do, are they taking care of themselves? Are they being in alignment with the kind of people that you want to call in? Or are you finding yourself? Consistently calling in clients that don't align to your business parameters and boundaries. Another area could be the services that you're offering or the products or things like that. Do they need a little bit of tweaking and reviewing as some they're redundant or some of them just needing to be dusted off and promoted a bit more like, where is the boundaries around what you offer? Are you offering too much? And could you nail it or wind it back in again, perhaps it's just energy within you and within your business. Like, are you trying to do too much? Are you doing too much or you're not doing enough? So where is the energy within your business as well? Are you leaking it to worrying about other people's businesses, other people's outcomes and circumstances? Are you not honoring your own energetic hygiene? Which I have a whole episode on that, and you can go check that out. I'll link it in the show notes for you. So are you taking care of your energy hygiene so that within the boundaries of working as a business, within your business, as a person, as a human being, your energy in itself is not leaking or, , being exerted too much and that you are able to take care of yourself. Cause ultimately business does need structure in certain ways. It does need, as I said, these parameters and these guidelines, and that's what helps keep everything moving forward, wearing and ticking along in a way that's going to be more. Beneficial to you, beneficial to your clients and your customers and your time and your resources. So there's probably other things I could cover in the world and realm of boundaries. And if I've missed any, let me know, because I'd love to continue this conversation and just know what your thoughts about boundaries and what your thoughts are around the things that you're needing to maybe. Tweak or review or highlight for yourself within this coming year, this next season that we're entering. And it's really exciting. Like I have really good vibes and feelings for 2024, I think it's going to be quite a great year. I mean, we all probably say that and feel that at the start of the year because we're like, Oh, we've turned a page and here we are a fresh new leaf. Well, that new leaf and that new page and that blank book can be anything you want it to be. Honestly, it can be. And my intention is that through this podcast, it will help guide you to stay on track to make it the best, the most epic, the most unreal year that you truly want, desire and deserve to have. Boundaries. Let's talk about boundaries. Yeah. So take a moment as you open your doors, as you open the laptop, as you begin to work away on all the things that you're building and bringing into this year through your work on your boundaries. What are the things that you need to be aware of? What are the things that you may need to be reviewed? And I hope this has helped just give you that intention and encouragement to go do it. It's not a scary thing and it's completely fine. There's no harm in setting and reaffirming those parameters and boundaries. Cause let me tell you, they're going to help you navigate this year with so much ease and so much more fun and so much more exuberance and excitement for what you do. Have a fabulous day. Thank you always. And so much for listening. And I look forward to talking to you and sharing more mindset and sound bath wisdom in the next episode. Thank you so much for tuning in and listening to today's episode. Please rate and review this podcast so that it can continue to thrive and reach more listeners. I love to know who my listeners are, so please screenshot this episode and tag me on Instagram at Anna f Hasty, and I look forward to connecting with you in the next episode.