Alchemy Mindset with Anna Hastie

(#55) Guest interview with Tahnee Carter. Mindset client and Sacred Medicine Teacher.

Anna Hastie Season 1 Episode 55

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On today's show I've invited a past client, Tahnee Carter to share her recent experience in my 3 month Alchemy Mindset coaching program.

Wow!! What a journey!

Tahnee is a sacred medicine teacher, who’s winding path has lead her to offering people a holistic, integrative health approach like no other. From a young age, she dreamt of becoming a doctor, but after delving deeper into her medical studies, she realised it wasn’t the path of whole-bodied health that she envisioned. This realisation led her on a detour through philosophy, spirituality, and ancient practices like Ayurveda and Yogic philosophy. Alongside her Ayurvedic Certification and degree in Medical Health Science, Tahnee's true expertise stems from lived wisdom and embodiment gained through navigating the cycles of life.

Tahnee believes in the deep interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit, offering holistic solutions that honour the sacredness of our whole beings. Rooted in deep compassion and grace, Tahnee is committed to walking alongside individuals on a path to their unique, sacred medicine, and true, lasting wellness.

As you’ll hear we talk really intimately about why Tahnee reached out for mindset support as she stepped out of her business Microps into her new grand vision of Tahnee Carter TEMPL.

Initially with so much self doubt within herself and whether or not the Grand Vision could come to life, we unlocked deep and old limiting beliefs and emotions that were impacting her ability to speak from the heart and with confidence.

She also shares some of her experiences through the sound bath session and my favourite Mindset tool Time Technique. Plus how beneficial AND transformational the voice message coaching was in between the fortnightly coaching calls.

Having Tahnee speak on this episode and reviewing our time together really cements why I am here to support women, just like Tahnee!

Guest Information:
Tahnee Carter TEMPL

Mindset Coaching Read More HERE
Clarity Call

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I acknowledge & pay my respects to the Traditional owners, the Yawuru People of the land and waters of Rubibi (Broome) where this Podcast is recorded, and all Aboriginal Elders, past, present & emerging.

Podcast Produced by Livvi Music Media

Hello, hello, and welcome to Alchemy Mindset. I'm your host, Anna Hasty, business mindset coach for women and a sound healer. If you are ready to become the most aligned, magnetic, and confident business woman you are worthy and deserving of being, then this show is for you. This is where I share everything from mindset, energy, and spirit. spirituality and how to embody your future self in business and life. Sprinkle that with deeply relaxing sound healings and meditations. And you have the alchemy mindset podcast hit subscribe. So you always get the latest episode. Now let's begin. Hello. Hello. Welcome Tani. Welcome. Welcome to the alchemy mindset podcast. It's such a pleasure to have you here on the show today to talk about. Basically what you're doing right now in your business, but mostly your experience of the three month coaching program that we both went through together and all the things that have been happening around your business during that time that we did the coaching program, as well as up to now, please let us know who are you, what do you do within your business? Yeah. Okay. Well, I'm tiny and I guess for the past two years, I've been running a small micro greens business here in Broome, which has been great. I am currently trying to transform my micro greens business, which I've been running in Broome for the last two years into a more holistic wellness service for people to come and learn about themselves as a whole bodied person. And how the energy of food and environment. And their own energetic constitution influences their well being in a deeper way. So I'm just trying to transform it into that at the moment. It's been a very, um, a challenging journey. And definitely the mindset coaching has been crucial in doing that because I wouldn't have. Done it to my highest intention without it. Absolutely. Like I can say from, I remember you initially reaching out and sharing like what your vision was and what, where you wanted to go. And in that, that, you know, I, I did stalk you. I had a quick look on your Instagram. I was like, what is this mind props business? And yeah, what you are literally transforming from and into now is very pivotal, right? It's not just like a slight tweak. It is quite a big shift. And within that, when I read that application, it was like, wow, she's got an amazing big vision that you're wanting to bring into life and the support within your mindset and your energy around that you felt was really crucial to make that happen. Yeah, definitely. And what I would like to say just before we go any further and dive into this conversation, just because it's in the forefront of my mind is that from working with you over the last three months. I really did feel that, and I know I said that multiple times to you, and I want to share this with the listeners right now. This work that Tani is stepping into is through her divine calling. It is through her following the guidance from her higher self, but it's work that she has done in other lifetimes, in other periods of her evolution, her soul's evolution. But it's like, now is the time for her to really shine and bring it forward. And I felt like that was kind of this ringing theme within the work that we did together. Yeah, it was. That kept being confirmed to me over and over and that's sort of what I've had to come to accept in a way and also let that fuel me and I have the confidence to actually own what I want to do truly and take the steps necessary to start. Doing what I am meant to be doing. Yeah, absolutely. Cause there's, it's very easy to go. I feel like there's this calling, this thing that I'm very passionate about, and I've got this inspiration or like these insights or this desire to do this thing. We're just going to call this a thing, but to actually initiate it and to have trust and faith that it's going to all work out and that. Your, you are taking those steps to make it happen is, is a different and completely different thing, right? Yeah. Even like trying to find the words for it, what it is whilst trying to take those initial steps is really hard because you know, when you do start businesses, people generally have an idea of what it looks like and what it, what you do, but me, it's kind of been this deep thing that is all muddled up with words and I don't think words are enough to describe its depth. And that just might be me and my lack of vocabulary, but that's what it feels like. No, definitely not. I think we kept calling this a vision because that was the only word that we could really sort of apply to what was wanting to create because you just finished or you were, when we started together, you would just start coming to the completion of an Ayurvedic Course. That's right. So one aspect of something that's within your business was to, to eventually run and hold Ayurvedic workshops and courses for people to come and attend and learn about Ayurvedic medicine and how to better their health and wellbeing through that. But also starting that. Initiating those steps to this bigger, we're going to call it the bigger vision, which was really what we struggled to, because we both could see it in our minds, like of what would happen and how this would all eventuate. But in terms of like literally to describe it, so I would love for you, if you can just describe this bigger vision, just so that people can have a bit more clarity on what it is that you're, you're feeling, you know, not feeling, sorry, correction here. What you're knowing you're being called to do. Yeah. I'm just going to do it like how I see it in my mind. I think it's perfect. It's the only way. So it's like, The grand vision is this huge massive space that's so beautiful on the outside and inside kind of almost like a church or a temple, but inside there's like a huge tree and it feeds the roots that kind of feed into all these different rooms and spaces where, you know, in each room there are different types of healing or like for you Anna there could be like a sound room which has just like been made purely for sound healing or um, You know, yoga studio or just workshop space where people can come and learn and then a kitchen for cooking and yeah, just all these different types of healing spaces and then outside is just this luscious garden with food and like this huge community garden where everyone kind of pitches in to grow food and you know, we all just thrive in this little community and then that Kind of feeds into the larger community with different social initiatives where, you know, maybe we're giving food to people who aren't able to afford food. And then holding cooking classes for people who don't know how to cook. And it's just a very, it's very beautiful, green, luscious space. And it's welcome, like welcoming and open to everyone. And that's just the vision. And I've got all these different people doing what they want to do. If someone comes with an idea, I'm like, yes, if you have that, and if it fits, do it, that's kind of the vibe. And so I guess to start to get to that, I'm doing this. And that's, this is my first little step towards that and yeah, that's, that's the vision. I love it. Yeah. You, you summarise that perfectly, like, honestly, it's, you really do captivate exactly what you're intending and what you're bringing forwards. And I feel like this is something that is going to be so wholeheartedly received and welcomed. When we're in that moment, right, when it comes into that step, but, you know, from the time that we've worked together in the mindset coaching program, that where you are now to being in that place is a lot of steps and potentially a big gap. Right? So, along the way, so from. Not necessarily saying we're up to the end result of creating the vision, but knowing that what you're creating is so powerful. It's so connected to your purpose and your journey in this lifetime and calling in. All those things that you've learned in previous lifetimes and in these lifetime in this lifetime. Now, knowing that there's a lot of mindset work to go through. I just was wondering if you could speak about what it was you felt before the mindset coaching, like what it was that made you go, maybe I need to, so I was wondering if you could just reflect back on where you were when you started this coaching program, like what was some of the mindset or energy blocks that were holding you back from just taking some initial steps or like clearing the way in a sense, um, that made you reach out to me for some support. Yeah. So I kept having this. The, this idea, this vision that I just described, I'm like, you know, I just know that I have to do this. This is what I have to do. But in that, I was like, that's going to require a lot of money. And part of me kind of felt who is ever going to give me that much money to do such a thing? How am I ever going to get like enough millions of dollars to build this massive thing? And then that kind of led me to identifying other beliefs that I have, like, you know, who, who's going to listen to me first. To give me that money, people don't value what I have to say. My voice isn't powerful enough. I'm so young, like who's going to take my word for this and what experience do I have in running such a thing? So I just had all of these beliefs come up and then working with you. I just, yeah, I feel like a big shift in that type of energy. And even now I feel like I wouldn't have been able to even speak about this in, in a podcast form or like even send you voice notes. As a way of communicating between sessions, like I was like, no, I don't think I can do that. I remember when we like first initially chatted just as to whether or not this program would be suitable for you. And I said, it is on Zoom. Apologies, but this is just how it has to roll and you're like, okay, I don't normally like resonate with that. But I said, let's just see how we go. Fortunately, because we are in Broome together, you got to experience your sound bath healing, which is included in the program in person. Which lucky you, but otherwise I do kind of push you a little bit out of your comfort zone there, where got you to be on zoom for our calls. But also 1 thing I remember you saying in the feedback afterwards was, I would never have done a voice note on WhatsApp before. And I feel like just having done that experience and seeing how, like, cool that is, or how easy it is, I've now been able to really talk a lot more freely and easily with people in the current work. That I am doing. Yeah. And that's so true because I'm like now wanting to send voice notes to everyone instead of texting them. And I'm just like, let me just go outside and I'll just send you a voice note. Okay. You can send me one back as well. Like, don't be enthusiastic about it. It's so weird. But yeah. When I was doing the Ayurveda course, we, cause it's about really understanding your Constitution and what makes you up as a person like a blueprint and how that affects your personality and health. And in that, I kind of realized that I have a lot of earth energy in me, which makes my thought process and talking a lot slower than other people who might have a lot more fire in them. And I guess in doing the voice notes, I was able to honor that about myself and just take it slowly, like, listen to your voice note, go outside, think about Maris, take time to reply in a thoughtful way, rather than feeling this pressure to have to. It was so much fire, which was not in my constitution, so it just gave me a lot of permission. And the voice note was very, very helpful in that. I love that. I love that. That is just, that wasn't even like a mindset technique, right? But it was just like, have a coaching call and then in between, let's just have a chat if anything comes up. Within that whole entire experience is shifted a lot within you, or it's helped you realize some really, really great things about yourself as well. Like I love that you've just said, I felt like I didn't have to be in that rapid fiery kind of energy of immediately responding. I could take my time to think about it, but through voice noting, I can express what I need to and feel like I'm clearly saying what I want to say, or I'm being heard within what I'm saying as well. Yeah. Yeah, I personally love voice notes because I hate typing. I hate punching things with my fingers on the keyboard, and I just love speaking into the little microphone. Yeah, I was really, really, really pleased to read that. Pleased and also surprised because it wasn't something I expected as a bit of feedback. Like, how did you feel about this? Oh, right, really helped me. But within that, like one thing you said there was that you felt like initially that you didn't have this power or this empowerment in your voice. And these doubts were coming up around who would trust me or believe in me because of my age and my experience and feeling like blocked within your throat chakra, which was. One of the things that we worked on initially in your first sound bath, you said, I want to sort of clear some energy around my throat chakra. And I think there was also something around your heart energy as well. And that sound bath was pretty powerful. Yeah, it was like, we shifted a lot in just that 60 minutes together. That was really cool. Did you want to share anything within that sound bath? Yeah, I guess it just felt so like I was just opened right up, like unzipped, ripped apart and cleansed. And then it felt like I had my heart taken out and then it was kind of given around to all of these beings and kissed back into life and then placed back into my heart. Which then helped my throat unlock whatever was blocking it there. Like it kind of felt like it was a choker or a chain or spikes through my throat. And after that, it definitely felt like they had been taken out and it's like a collar had been released. And then doing the mindset kind of enforces that too. And then the voice notes making me actually use my voice and keep it unlocked instead of typing. That was pretty cool. And I remember like after saying, this is what. I was sensing and feeling into your sound bath and where I was guiding it. And you, you gave me that confirmation of like, yeah, I felt that too. And this is what I experienced. And then later on, when we were kind of in the middle of our time together and we were having a, quite a big conversation in WhatsApp about some of like your, like being able to step into your true authenticity and connect with who you are without having any doubt or shame or. Guilt or being too afraid to, and particularly how you were seeing this sort of reflect in your family dynamics. And through our conversation, you said, I took myself on my own meditation journey and I was able to actually identify a time in my timeline where it was a past life, where I was a being that was like held back through the voice. And that you, you felt like shifting clear some of that. Yeah. That was really powerful, I feel, for me to do that, because in a way, yeah, I'll just, I'll explain what that meditation was just for context. Yeah, please do. I think I was the queen of like this underwater world, which was held in a bubble or a glass dome or something. But I was being dragged through the streets by This chain around my neck, like by a collar by the king. And I walked the streets and everyone was bowing down to me. Like I was just a great person, but I was so confused because I'm like, you've never even heard me speak. How do you know what I have to say? So I remember being very confused. And so I got to the top of the palace or whatever, and. I was being forced to put on a show or just be there and wave at these people who didn't even know what I had to say. They didn't even know me, but they supposedly loved me. And I just remember feeling so like, this doesn't feel right. And the man is kind of like yanking at my collar to get me to look at them and wave at them. And I was like, no, this is not, this doesn't feel right. And so I was like, why do I have this choker on? It's like, because your voice is dangerous and I'm like, well, it doesn't feel right. So I took it off and I kind of screamed. And it shattered the dome and all the water flooded in and killed everyone, which is, it was crazy, but it was really transformational because I could see that what was going on in this world was not quite right. And my voice had been restricted because it was so powerful. It had the power to kill everyone and kill this society, which was, you know, there was slaves and peasants like treating the people really poorly. And yeah, I just, I shattered that with my voice. And even though that it's bad to kill all these people, in a way I kind of liberated them into this new world. Being free in their own voices as well. And in that, I feel like I kind of unlocked another layer of a choker around my throat. Yeah. Yeah. I feel like that was a really poignant moment because, and I want to just also highlight, I really want you, sorry, I really want to say thank you so much for sharing that, because that really does give context to the healing that we did. And just for the listeners out there, this is a prime example of how This coaching that I support you in and whatever this coaching is, it doesn't, it sometimes extends just beyond NLP work, like just beyond our current physical reality. And we're going in tapping into past lives. Now, these past lives is what Tani's experience may not necessarily be on this earthly plane. On this planet Earth, they could have been where her soul had incarnated on another planet, another system, somewhere else, because we are part of this universal. We only believe that we are confined into the structure that we are, but in actual fact, we're so much more beyond what we are in this physical world. But how do you think having that experience and feeling and knowing that version of you, that past lifetime where you were this paraded around being choked and Controlled by the throat. How do you feel like that had that ripple out effect through all your lifetimes up until now? How do you feel knowing that had shifted changed and we'd like rewired it or giving it peace and love to now like roll out into life now, I mean, roll out is probably not the word, but you know, ripple out into life right now. Yeah, I guess because. Inside I have a lot of strong opinions about things, but I never felt comfortable to share them with people because it is quite shattering to people's world sometimes. And part of me is like, well, I don't want to, I don't want to say that because they're literally, that might make them really upset or they might not agree with me. And. Um, having that meditation, I mean, going on that visual journey, I'm kind of pulled back to that memory of how it's actually could be a good thing for them to have their world shattered in such a way, and that I have the power to do that even just by, you know, everyday things where I wouldn't normally have said that to somebody, meaning that's not very spiritual or light of me to say that. But I'm like, you know what? I will say this because they do need to shatter this bubble that they're living in because it's not quite serving them or other people in the way that they think it is. And so I've kind of given myself permission through that meditation to be like, no, I can say that. And that's a good thing. And I suppose as well, like stepping into this vision that you're wanting to create, you do need to have more empowerment through your voice. Because people are going to want to hear what you have to say and why you believe in this or why it's, I don't want to just say beneficial to them, but, you know, why this is part of a grander scheme of what we're really as a collective moving through and into within this time. life that we're in right now. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. And before I would have thought, who am I to say such grand things like this? You know, maybe I am just the person in this little corner of the world to say that in this specific way that I'm saying it. And even though I don't have all the right words or there are no words, even if it's just a whole bunch of word salad or mumble, it still holds meaning because the feelings are there and the intention behind it is so strong. So I think that's stayed with me from that as well. Amazing. I also just want to jump to like our last session together where this past life. Still reappeared when we actually did the time technique, which is a technique that I just love doing. It's a meditation process where we're going back into the root cause or the, the first moment when either a limiting belief, a limiting emotion, or a decision was made that is still having that ripple out effect into lifetimes. Now, for example, With what tiny experience in this past lifetime, the effects of being controlled and not being able to speak easily and with love, but also in a way that liberates other people was rippling out now, but we did this particular time technique to work around the emotion of anger because. What crept up towards the very end of our time together was an opportunity for you to apply through a grant for some money that would initially help you start towards this bigger vision, right? Yeah, yeah. And so in this time technique, so yeah, we identified that within this application process. Do you want to explain what happened with the application process? Is that all right with you? Yeah, yeah. So I got somebody was like, Hey, Tony, this, look at this grant application. This sounds like perfect for what you're trying to do. And I was like, yeah, cool. Okay, that sounds great. Look at this money. It'd be amazing if I had all of that. Cause then I could actually start doing the deeper work that I wanted to do in the first place. With the grand vision and then as I was writing out this application, the questions were very like boxed in because as we're saying all of this now, it's very hard to put into words what I'm trying to do and I was trying to write out all of the answers and it only had a very limited word count for each question and I was like, sitting there getting really mad because I'm like, why am I supposed to define what I'm trying to do in such a small section of space? And When it's just not that, and the words, they're just, they're not coming through how I wanted it to come through, and I was trying to kind of shape the words around what I thought the grant people would like to hear, so that I might appeal to their nature and their values. So I was trying to manipulate it around that, which made me feel really like, ugh, and angry inside because I'm like, ugh, why do I keep trying to say what I think other people want to hear when this is literally not even what I mean? And what I don't want to do moving forward as like a value of mine. And so, yeah, I just, I got very angry with it. I was like, I don't, I don't want to do it anymore. I'm just not going to do it. I'm too, I'm too angry. I kind of resent society for boxing me in this way because I'm just not this, what they, what the grant was for. That's just not me. I'm so much more than that. So I just felt very angry that I couldn't fully express myself. And I guess part of that application, I had to do a video explaining what The whole business was when I, one, don't even really know how to put it into words and two, I struggle with speaking and my voice. So that kind of put me off again and I was like, how dare these people make me record a video? Like, this is for starting out people, like. How dare they? I'm honestly so offended and angry, they're trying to make me fit into their society that I wanted so bad to get out of and create my own little world. So then I decided not to do it and had our call and we kind of went back to that, that underwater world as being my, my root cause of the anger of society, because it was really the anger I had towards society for making me be this way that I don't want to be. And just kind of clearing it from there, which was the very start. It was like the first or second lifetime on my timeline was so crazy. Cause you told me how many years ago I was like, I couldn't answer cause it was just. So long ago, and as I was looking down on it, it was like the second one, but yeah, clearing that was so powerful. And I think the message that was meant for that lifetime was just don't worry about that society, go off and create your own kingdom. And so that's kind of stuck with me again, it's like, and then transferring that through throughout, I just, I don't feel angry at him that maybe slightly sometimes, but I can always come back to that lesson and be like, No, it's okay. I'm just creating my own kingdom. They can do what they need to do. That's what they value. And that's fine for them. But I'm just. Taking myself out, going over here and doing my own thing. And yeah, but then I did the grant in the end, I applied for it. Yeah, the whole bunch of things aligned and I was like, you know what? I'm going to be stuck in like a job where I'm not going to get enough money to do the thing that I want to do. And you know, what have I got to lose? If I apply for this grant, nothing. So I'm going to do it. And I, I came back to what I truly valued and tried to kind of, I just changed it all and made it more authentic to me and what I'm trying to do. And I hoped that would resonate with them. And I haven't heard back from it yet. But if it's successful, it's successful. If it's not, it wasn't meant to be. And that's fine. Exactly. Yeah. And it's a great, I feel like the whole story within that moment. And I remember you saying, like, it was after we'd finished our last call, we'd finished our time together. And I can't remember why I had to message you about something. And then you said. I've done the, I'm doing the application anyway, things aligned, things have shifted within me. And actually, I realized that not applying for this grant would, like, you've just said, put me back, it wouldn't help me move forwards to what I'm wanting to do. And it would actually. Be a step backwards. If I didn't, and like you've just said, now you haven't heard anything from them, but I feel if I was to observe this from the other side, this is the prime example, this is such a great example of the universe saying you keep going on with this vision, you keep tuning in, channeling in and being. Working on yourself, clearing any blockages that have come out, but keeping the faith and that vision of what you're wanting to create because I've got the money, like, I'm going to drop the money in and then that was the other question as well that came up when you're applying this for this grant was, am I actually ready to receive this money and make these things happen? Because that was the key. Other key moment was like, am I ready? Am I really ready? Like, this could happen tomorrow. Am I ready? Which is the other thing, isn't it? Like you, we, we have these plans and goals and intentions for our business, but then suddenly it's like, Oh, this is actually happening. Am I ready for this? Yeah. I guess we'll see when the time comes. Yeah, absolutely. I just, I would love to be like on that end of that message. When you say just send me a lot of dollar sign emojis, make it rain. Oh, that would be amazing. Yeah. I still. I think they're still going to process it. And if it's obviously meant to be, that money will drop in, in the most divine way. Yeah. I felt like something like everything in some ways. And I said to Tani earlier that even though we, in our initial chat, we talked about a lot of things within the work you were doing on this grand vision. I, we didn't really have a set plan of what we were following week to week. But in the end, when I went back to look at what you talked about initially, and even though I didn't really cover this with you during our time. By the time of our last session, like we've just completed everything like from self doubt from feeling like you couldn't speak and be so authentic to yourself to worrying about like where this money was going to come from. We also worked on other areas that we touched on attracting clients and contacts that were in alignment. For what you want to do, because that was another thing you felt like you were, we worked also on creating a subliminal that you could continue listening to post coaching program as well, which you said you found quite beneficial. And I have to say, on a side note, the affirmations you sent through were just beautifully channeled. Like they're just incredible. So I'm sure that they're still supporting you now, but I just would like you to quickly reflect on what was some of the, what was it that you really enjoyed about the coaching program? Like, what do you, what do you feel like you enjoyed? with our time together. I really liked how, how kind of flexible it was and you were just, you know, you just asked me what. I was feeling in the moment and was able to do something in relation to that and work through it. I thought that was really nice for it. It wasn't so structured. It just kind of flowed out how it needed to. And yeah, I loved how you went beyond just this lifetime and limiting beliefs from my past, but also lifetimes before, because that's something that I always felt was so influencing my life, but no one really had to mention that in. It's like a coaching type of situation, like, especially around business and loved how spiritually guided it was because I'm a very spiritual person and it's nice that we can just talk openly about it. I don't have to worry about looking like a weirdo or something. It's like. The divine, but it was nice to just relax into that. And when you're saying things, I'm like, yes, that's, that's exactly it. You just not have to try and explain myself on that level was really nice. And I enjoyed that. We should just get straight into it and have like an understanding of what's going on. Yeah. Thank you. I really enjoyed our time together. It was just so much fun. And like you said, like for me as a coach, it was always my intention that each week. Um, we may have something that we'd work on that may have come up over the last, you know, week or so in between our sessions, our fortnightly sessions. And that for me, it was to make sure I was maximizing your transformational time together, right? I didn't want to waste time, like nutting things out that could have been nutted out through a WhatsApp chat, which is why I like having the chats in between to really make sure that when you, we got to our 90 minute session for that week, that we. We just honed in and we did the work straight away because sometimes the work doesn't take very long. If you were to reflect on that time technique, that's maybe like a 10, could be a 10 minute process to establish that that's what we were going to need can take a bit more time around that. Yeah. So it was within my attention to make sure that you were getting maximum transformational time when we were on the calls together. As well as, you know, touching base and chatting and reflecting on things, what happened, like, it's not just, okay, let's get in straight happen. But I wanted to make sure that you were getting the most that you possibly could out of our time together, knowing that this is stuff that obviously like things do come up, right? When you approach new levels, new steps within your business and work, there may be new things to again, address, look at, rewire, et cetera. But in these, this moment in time, just making sure that you're getting the best that you possibly can within the support to work on and to help move you forward. Yeah. Especially with processing things between sessions, and you were so generous with your time and replying. It was very, very helpful. Yeah. I loved it. It was such a great, oh, such a great program. Happy to support you anytime, Tani. Anytime. Is there anything you'd, um, else like to share with the listeners about the work that you're currently doing, coaching that you've experienced? Any other messages you'd like to share or put out there? Yeah, I guess what I'm planning on doing, which I hope to be starting very soon is to run a three month, I don't, I haven't figured out a name yet, but it's like a holistic wellness circle where I'll have, you know, a really small group of people together and we just, with the goal of improving wellness. Even if you're already well, like health wise, or if you have health problems that you want to address, where you feel like, you know, doctors aren't just cutting it. I don't want bandaid fixes anymore. I want deep lifestyle, lasting change. So I'm gonna, I'm planning on getting that set up. I'm in the process of doing that now, and it's going to be very spiritually informed. Ayurvedic, which if you don't know what that is, it's, it's basically an ancient or timeless Indian life science of how to live a peaceful life. And that's something that I embody and try to do. And that's the course that I did when I started with Anna, I was doing as well, which I already kind of touched on it, but it's understanding your own blueprint and how that affects different experiences that you have in life with disease or mental processes. And it just kind of, it's so powerful to know for your own self. That's what I'm working on developing and it's really exciting and I don't have all the words for it right now, but I will now I'll give another link to the website where all the proper information is, but yeah, anyway, it's going to be in a group format, so it's very supportive. Everyone comes together. Supporting each other through this wellness journey and yeah, just being really connected and I'm really excited. I'm excited for you. Sounds beautiful. I think you're going to hold such beautiful space for the participants and sharing your knowledge and interweaving everything that you know into guiding them into their, into better health and wellness. So, yes. When you have all the information, please share it with me because I will then share it with everybody else out there so that those who feel aligned to come and join your program can too. Amazing. Well, Tani, I just want to say thank you so much for this chat today. It's been so much fun revisiting some of this stuff that we've cleared, rewired, we worked on, the realizations, everything within the three months that we had together, and how it's Fitted so nicely into shaping and building these initial steps into this grand vision and these health and wellbeing programs that you're going to be bringing to life very soon. Thank you so much for coming on and chatting with me today and sharing all of that. Yes, thank you for letting me speak about it all. Spins a healing process in itself. So there you go. I just say to Tanya at the start, I said, oh, well don't worry. This is, if this is your first podcast, it could be your first of many sharing what you're doing. Amazing. Well, thank you so much for coming, and of course I will share any information that is relevant to today's chat in the show notes below. Thank you so much, Tani. Thank you to the listeners for being part of this. And yeah, if anybody has any questions or want to know a little bit more about the three month coaching program that I offer, please reach out, jump into a clarity call. If I can get my words out, come find me on Instagram at Anna F hasty, but otherwise I look forward to chatting to you in another episode. Thank you so much for tuning in and listening to today's episode. Please rate and review this podcast so that it can continue to thrive and reach more listeners. I'd love to know who my listeners are. So please screenshot this episode and tag me on Instagram at Anna F. Hastie. And I look forward to connecting with you in the next episode.