Alchemy Mindset with Anna Hastie

(#73) Embracing The Chaos - A Lesson In Time Management

Anna Hastie

I am going to be honest. This isn’t probably going to be a sexy juicy episode!
This podcast is where I share the wins and the challenges, the highs and the lows. As well as the learnings so that you don’t have to repeat my mistakes or lessons!

In today’s episode I share with you my reflections of a SUPER busy FUN FILLED month and the full insights  into that good ol' world of time management.

Listen in as I share what this month had instore for me and how I have now adjusted my work to have better time management.

This is one of those REMINDER episodes that does need you to take action once finished.
Your future self will thank you for it!

Let me know what you think? Where you can review your time management for a more effective, productive, flowy and happy work schedule you want?

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I acknowledge & pay my respects to the Traditional owners, the Yawuru People of the land and waters of Rubibi (Broome) where this Podcast is recorded, and all Aboriginal Elders, past, present & emerging.

Podcast Produced by Livvi Music Media

Hello, hello, and welcome to Alchemy Mindset. I'm your host, Anna Hasty, business mindset coach for women and a sound healer. If you are ready to become the most aligned, magnetic, and confident business woman you are worthy and deserving of being, visit Then this show is for you. This is where I share everything from mindset energy and spirituality And how to embody your future self in business and life Sprinkle that with deeply relaxing sound healings and meditations And you have the alchemy mindset podcast Hit subscribe. So you always get the latest episode. Now let's begin. Hello. Hello. Welcome. Welcome. Dear listener to episode 73, holy moly, 73 of the Alchemy Mindset Podcast. I am your host, Anna Hasty, and I am just so pleased that you are tuning in and listening to what could ultimately be, I'm not going to lie here, a very unsexy, straightforward, Kind of episode, I actually shared this content last week in my VIP email community and then on socials. And I'm like, you know what? This is too good. This is too good just to leave in these places. And I feel like I would be better off serving you and honoring this very unsexy information is how I'm describing it to, um, you in the podcast. Cause you know, you may have missed my stories or you may have missed the post or you're not on my email list, which. Side note, if you do want to join, there's some links below as to getting on board into the good old email community of Anna Hasty and Alchemy Mindset. So anyway, I thought, you know what, going to record it, going to record it because this could be just that reminder that you need right now. And particularly when we're in the middle of it, the thick of it, we're in the trenches of the year and. You know, a little bit of a reminder or someone else's insights and hindsights from their own experiences can always benefit us, you know, and I'm here to share the ups and downs, the wins and the challenges, and I'm here to share, you know, the little things that I'm learning in the effort that it will help and support you. And so you don't make the same either mistake or receive the same challenges. So let's roll. This episode is all inspired as I found myself gazing over my calendar from. June, I've got it pinned up on my wall and it's got lots of like important things highlighted on there just as reminders. I love to have like the visual calendar. I have a digital calendar. I have a sauna. I have things written down on post it notes. Sorry to Steph, Stephanie Lou, who helped train me up in a sauna. I do use the sauna efficiently, but I often do refer to a good old tick the list kind of sheet. Anyway, Anna, let's get to the point. So anyway, I found myself reviewing my calendar on the wall and I was like, holy moly, this month was jam packed. It was fun. It was fulfilling. I loved it. I knew it was going to be a busy month for the year, but, or in this light little pocket of the year. And I just knew that I would just have such a good time doing all these amazing, wonderful things. But it was also one of those months that just give me that good old full insight. And reflection on the very unsexy world of time management. That's what this episode is about time management. Oh my goodness. So boring, right? But as I said, my intention in the takeaway here is that it's a reminder for you as to how you can go ahead and look where you need to reflect on your time management. So boring. Hate it. It's like, you know, having to fold washing. We always push it aside, but sometimes it's better to look at this in advance so that We don't stumble and make the same mistakes each and every time. And wonder why we're still causing the same mistakes or getting ourselves into tailspins and things like that. Anyway, let's move on. So I've been reflecting on my journey of running a small business, and I have to say my days now look vastly different from when I was running my first business, creating balanced natural therapies. Now back to. Then I was a remedial massage therapist offering various different remedial massage therapies, as well as energy healings. And back then it was literally my maximum load would be 20 clients a week across four days. So maximum five clients a day, four days a week. And it literally was nonstop nonstop from the time I opened my therapy door for the morning to the time I closed it in the afternoon or evening, like I was busy. I was, and those five clients could have been a one hour, 90 minutes, half an hour. Like it didn't matter. I just always had five clients on the books every day for four days. So 20 clients a week. So it was busy. I was always go, go, go, go, go. You know, I always had time for lunch. I always made time for a break. But. In some ways, like I thrived on the busyness, but in reflection, I realized pockets of downtime would have been probably very beneficial at the same time anyway. But now I'm in the realm of coaching and soundbars and of course, podcasting. So my weeks have a totally new rhythm and totally new flow and totally new vibe. And what June has highlighted for me is that I have still been operating in that old, frantic, chaotic. Go, go, go kind of mindset and energy that did in somewhat serve me when I was working as in my remedial massage therapy days at creating balance. But in this time and realm of my life, it's like, no, this is not how my weeks and my life is meant to roll. And what June has highlighted is that that old energy is out. And there's a whole new energy and way of operating that's in, and I'm finally beginning to understand it as well as embrace it. So in all honesty, that frantic old schedule may have served me as a single solopreneur, someone who didn't have to worry about a child, like was just focusing on business and her personal life. And that was about it. Right. But now as not only a business owner, I'm a mom, I'm a wife, I'm managing my house. You know, my household and taking care of myself and all the other little boxes that we focus on in the Wheel of Life. I'm realizing that frantic, hectic energy just doesn't serve me now. And I hate the feeling like I'm constantly chasing my tail and. Where nothing is truly progressing out of it. Like I hate that feeling. I hate that feeling like I'm spinning the wheels and nothing is looking like I'm moving that needle forwards within my business. So this is what June looked like for me. I'm going to share it with you. I not only had my regular sound baths. Oh, let's start from the start. We had a long weekend. Hello, long weekend in June. Where did we go? Did we do something that long weekend? No, we stayed at home and I think we did some house chorey things. Potentially. I don't know what we did. I think we stayed at home. Anyway. Then I had my regular sound bath. So there was the hangar, sound baths at the Buddha sanctuary, sorry, the hangar is the hammocks and sound. I also had a vision board workshop that was scheduled on a Saturday. I had the Eco Beach pre and post retreat circles, and then the Eco Beach retreat, which featured across the middle weekend in June, where I co host and assist Nicole in her annual retreat. Eco beach retreat, and it's just an amazing long weekend. It's so much fun. But this year she's incorporated a pre and post circle. So like an opening and a closing ceremonial circle for the participants. And that was really cool too. And I loved it. But of course, you know, that's another thing in the calendar, fun times. And then there was eco beach, as I said, which to me is ultimately a working holiday. Like I don't really. Truly switch off I do. And then I'm also very productive in that time. Cause obviously I'm holding sessions and this year I did, I said to Nicole, I'd love to introduce two sunrise soundbards, which I did on the Saturday and Sunday mornings, and they were absolutely amazing. And I side note, I'm going to look at some way I can do sunrise soundbards a little bit more often and regularly, but soon to figure that out. Loved it. So then there was the mid year reset, which was a workshop I held under the solstice and the full moon. Loved holding that space and love doing that. I also had coaching throughout the month. So some new clients as well as an existing three month client. I also then had. I think I had like, you know, doctor's appointments somewhere in there, had to squeeze in a few things like personal appointments, tried to do a bit of self care in there, catching up with friends, family, and then the Eco Beach retreat for Tracy Hill at the end, which was just an overnighter at Eco Beach, but I will say very soon I did record while I was down there. A 30 minute sunrise soundbath, and that will be going up on into the soundbath in nature soundbath library. So if you want to get your hands on what's already existing, I think there's six or seven soundbars already there, and there is a ton more to come. It's a slow burn that one, a slow upload, but if you want to get your hands on that now for 17, when all the final soundbars are uploaded, the price will be going up to the value of 49. But if you pay for it now, you get any existing soundbars plus future ones for that price for life. And it's all uploaded in YouTube. So it's a beautiful way to either just rest, relax, tune in if you need to soundbath just for, you know, whatever's happening in your life right now, where a soundbath would help and aid you. I know I'm doing such a great job plugging this, um, jump in on that. I'll put the link in the show notes below. It's one of my passions to travel around and play soundbars. In nature, out in the wild, record them and then upload them so that you can have something unique and special for you when you need those moments that you want to feel grounded, relaxed, calm, rested, get back to sleep, all those things. Anyways. Yeah. So June was busy and it was a great busy. I also had lots of podcast interviews lined up throughout the month where I either was interviewing people or I was being interviewed as a guest for other people's shows and so much fun. Like I've met and connected with some beautiful women in business and podcast hosts, and I can't wait to share those episodes with you. And I just loved it, loved it, loved it, loved it, all like minded people, all amazing. But I realized that these interviews were sometimes scheduled during peak productivity periods. And this is my hindsight moment. So for example, while there was a lot happening. In around like those big sort of projects, like the eco beach retreats, the mid year reset, and also Tracy Hill's retreat, these podcasts and other things were all scheduled when I really needed to have space and time to focus on the workshop preparation or the To focus on the retreat preparation and not saying I did a bad job in these retreats. I always give my heart and I'm always like go with full intention, but I just felt like I could have been slightly better prepared in the background. I'm not going to lie here. I just hate feeling rushed and that I'm, like I said, chasing my tail and I'm on the back foot. So what I realized was that actually. A lot of these additional things that I love doing, such as the podcast interviews, while they're fun, they're not necessarily important to have all jam packed in at one go. And I could actually have changed my calendar a little bit. So it would have freed up more time around these bigger projects or peak productivity periods where I could have focused more on that and had a few less late nights to catch up and get things done. Transcribed If that makes sense, right? So everything turned out fine, but the real lesson wasn't just surviving the busyness of my week and schedule. It was about making adjustments as of now to avoid it next time. So what I've done is tweaked my calendar and availability for interviews and coaching, so that when I have a big project or event or a workshop coming up, it means I've got a bit more breathing space and room and better energy management. Management, oh my God, getting your words out, Anna, energy management to get these things done. So for example, in July, is the introduction to soundbards and crystal singing bowls. I cannot wait to share that. And yeah, that's round two. Round two. I did the first one at the start of the year and there'll be a third round at the end of the year, but round two is coming up in July and I know that I'm going to need time to review the workbook and get it printed. Make sure I've got all the. Additional things that are going to be, you know, intertwined into that program. So I've now tweaked my calendar. So I'm like, right. No podcast interviews, no coaching. It has to be dedicated time to that project. So that's what I've done. I've gone in and I've looked at all the upcoming, like big events that I have and seeing where I can just shift and change and block out things. So I've got more breathing space and room for better energy management. Because here's the underlying and the bigger truth over this, I wouldn't have known I needed these adjustments until I was in actually in the thick of it. I wouldn't have known that this is now the way I need to work and operate until I had to experience what I did in June. And you know, as I said earlier, I was still under that mindset of go, go, go, busy, busy, busy, 20 clients a week, four days a week, busy from open to close, but life is different now. And I've actually, like even saying this now, here's a real. Epic download that that's just come through something I've channeled. I've been wanting spaciousness in my weeks. I've been wanting spaciousness in my days. I want to feel more relaxed and less like I'm on this chaotic cortisol high of running just. On my adrenals, shoving my nervous system into chaos, just wanting to be in more calm and relax and be in that flow and insight and know that I'm getting things done, but just have that more. I'm just gonna say it flow. Yeah. It's the buzzword flow within my week. I don't want to feel like I'm chasing my tail and that I'm doing some crazy epic late nights to just get shit done. And I think I also have to realize that yes, as I worked as a massage therapist, all I was really doing was seeing clients. Welcoming them in, getting them on the table, doing a great massage for them, writing their notes, checking them out next client. So the process was, there was pretty simple and anything that happened behind the scenes didn't really take too much time. Like, Oh, reconciling my books took probably about 10 minutes. Washing towels got done every other day anyway. You know, things like that didn't have to take up a lot of time. Probably social media in there actually took up a lot of time because I was back in the day where I was just learning social media and I was probably in that zone where I would Stress and fuss over a post for about six hours instead of just posting any old shit. But we're moving on. And we've learned from that. This Anna now has learned from past Anna and we're much more in a role of just getting and posting things, but let's move on from there. So obviously like that operation and that kind of energy mindset is just gone now. It's like, no, that is not how I want to be. This is how I am now. So I bet you can relate. Dear listener, I bet you can relate to some of this in some way, shape or form, and I want you to just go away and have a think and reflect and look at your calendar and just review and go, am I in a place of flow and ease within my business? Or am I sometimes always chasing my tail, feel like I'm always playing catch up, like nothing ever feels like it's getting done. Is there something within my time management that needs to be chased or changed or altered or tweaked? Like. Is there anything there that can be handballed to someone else, anything in there that needs to be moved to a different time within your day? For example, for me, exercise, like that's my self care. I've realized that I can't necessarily do it, you know, mid morning and sometimes the evenings I need to be available to take care of Ava. So I'm now shifting majority of my exercise, apart from pole dancing, to early mornings. Morning walks with Ava or getting to the early Pilates class, whatever it is, early mornings, because then when I do that, I'm know that I can tick that box and I've done it and it hasn't affected like any other, I guess, I almost want to say performance. So weird, any sort of other, you know, activities that are happening in and around family and things like that. So if you have something big coming up, whether it's a project within your business. A family event even, or a deadline. Take a moment to reassess where might you need to shift or adjust for better time management and boundaries. Like what might have to be just put to the side for the moment? What could potentially be handballed? Do you need support on? Where do you need some space? What is important? What is like, I'd like to have done, but not necessary. And then also remember, and I'm going to say this as a huge reminder, remember to factor in your self care. Cause you'll need to stay cool, calm and collected and grounded and like you're on fire and self care, whichever way that works for you, still needs to be factored in there because it helps you just a, take a little moment for a break for yourself. Can help you regroup, can often help be the place where you get all those insights and downloads and you know, just not even have to think about anything, right? So do that because it just gives you that nice little break from whatever you're doing. But don't ever make that as a non negotiable and just consider deferring less important tasks for another time. Do it when you've got the space, when you've come out the other side and you can do that. And I will tell you this, you do this and your future self will thank you later. And you'll thank me too. Yeah. So that is the very unsexy. Episode of embracing the chaos and a lesson in time management. I'm sure you've found this deeply insightful and helpful. And if not, you're already on the bandwagon of having like the most epically aligned time management and schedule. That's great. And look, I'm going to be honest with you. We always have best intentions and that's the most important things. And sometimes things do have to get put out the window a little bit. Okay. But I say that's not necessarily the case all the time. It should not be a hardcore belief. We can invite time where we need it. We can invite spaciousness where we need it. And we have control of where we put time. Time is an energy. It's not like what rules us. We actually rule time. Yeah. Fun times. So let me know what you think. Think, let me know what your thoughts are. Is this like a good reminder for you? Is this one that, is this an episode where you're like glad I pressed play, but you know, something a bit more sexy next time, Anna, either way, thank you so much for listening, my love. I'm so grateful to have this space in the airwaves to share with you these little life lessons. And I hope that you have a fabulous day, a lovely, amazing week, whatever's happening for you. And again, if VIP email community. Jump in the links below and if you want to get your hands on that sound bath and nature series as it's slowly building then please hit that link and get it for this epically teeny tiny junk change price and Then over time you'll get all these amazing new sound bars as they get uploaded. I love you so much. Thank you for listening Thank you. Thank you. Thank you Thank you so much for tuning in and listening to today's episode. Please rate and review this podcast so that it can continue to thrive and reach more listeners. I love to know who my listeners are. So please screenshot this episode and tag me on Instagram at Anna F. Hastie. And I look forward to connecting with you in the next episode.